It is an addictive and relaxing game that you could easily spend the whole day playing or even pop on for a few minutes completing one level at a time. I had a lot of laughs with Poly Bridge, I had to go online to check walkthroughs with one or two levels as my bridges kept failing. The only thing I noticed with graphics though it’s a tiny negative, the boats just seem to vanish in a very strange way as if it’s compacting on its self. The soundtrack that accompanies the gameplay of Poly Bridge is so uplifting and relaxing, I could leave the game on all day just to listen to the soundtrack, it fits in with the gameplay so well it makes it a relaxing game rather than a game that may get stressful the harder it gets.
It screams out “I’m a simple game but I’m full of infinite possibility” and, as I always say, simple is not a bad thing. Each world has a different design and it has a cartoony look about it but the simplicity of the graphics adds to the aesthetics of the game. Poly Bridge utilises the Unity engine and it does so very well. If creating isn’t your thing you can always head into the Steam Workshop to use other people’s levels. The option to go into sandbox mode and create your own level designs is also available which adds replayability or the chance to create some crazy levels. Poly Bridge reminds me of many Apps across the iOS store and Google Play store. Unfortunately on the jumping challenge though I ran into an issue where the level wouldn’t complete even though my car was at the goal, it just kept driving onwards into a cliff. The failure doesn’t frustrate it’s just funny. So many crazy things happened while trying to get the bike and car across I was laughing too much.

The most fun challenge of them all is the jumping challenge for me. As time moves on a lot of hilarious things will happen with the transport going across due to your complicated designs. Each level is different and as you progress the levels increase the challenge and add more features, harsher objectives to meet but it doesn’t become unfair. The levels are set out like Super Mario’s level selection system where there are world hubs and you must jump to the next level to start it, it’s even titled the same like world 1 - 2. The tutorial is simple and explains everything well enough so that you don’t have to keep going back to it.

When you first start up you will be introduced to a lengthy tutorial telling you how it all works and how to build a structurally safe bridge with all the features being used. A very basic premise that becomes very addictive and provides a lot of laughter when the bridge collapses. To achieve the best possible outcome you must stay within the budget, make sure the bridge has the least stress possible put on it and of course not drown the innocent civilians wanting to get across. The aim of Poly Bridge is to get each vehicle across the bridge which you have built safely and smoothly. This time, we’re thinking in bridges! Take a look at our Poly Bridge review.